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Kim Kinrade © 2008

Landscaping is often said to be the �welcome mat� for you home. This is because nothing adds more to the curb appeal of a home than a beautifully-shaped and manicured landscape, one that extends right from the front to the backyard. Landscape can be everything from shrubs, trees and lawn to rock, cactus and wood. When terracing for levels of gardening retaining walls and landscape rock add strength and beauty to the land. In many places it provides a level living area by holding up the lower bank of a sloping piece of land.

Since curb appeal is very important to the look of a home front yard landscaping should draw people to the property with shrub-lined walks and sculptured trees. Lawn is still a great filler but for water conservation the grass and shrubs should be watered with drip root watering systems that administer water underground and get it right to the roots. This can be utilized in landscaping gardens as well.

The swimming pool should not be left out of pinpoint landscaping just because it is in the backyard. The right combination of plants can make it a welcoming place but without the debris that certain species of plants drop and clog pool filters. Landscaping around a pool then should feature evergreens and other non-intrusive varieties.

Lawns are not high on the list of landscaping items these days because of the water conservation laws. However, a water cistern system can provide water for lawns and other landscaping vegetation. Rainwater from the cistern can be added to gray water from the home. Gray water is the drainage from showers, sinks and dishwashers that can be used for irrigation in a drip root system.

Vegetable gardens are making a comeback as people look to their own growing skills to supplement the food bill. New landscaping ideas incorporate supplies such as natural composting systems and organic seeds for a bountiful crop of naturally-grown vegetables. For those with small yards vegetables can be grown in large pots on patios and decks.

For areas with little water available for lush gardens cultured and real stone landscaping, or hardscape, is becoming very popular. In addition, native shrubs and plants can thrive on the natural outlay of water and not be bothered by insects or other pests. This means you can have beautiful flowers without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Garden pools are becoming popular especially with water features like fountains and blooming aquatic plants. Underwater lighting can add to the nightscape of your backyard as can a pre-programmed variety of scenes that highlight the best of the landscaping features. These small pools can also form an ecosystem of their own with fish, frogs and salamanders, and birds that eat pesky insects and allow a more pest-free patio life.

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