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PEX Pipe: What it is and What it Does

Hal Major © 2009

PEX stands for Crosslink Polyethylene. PEX is the latest innovation in water supply methods for the homeowner. It has many advantages over rigid pipe systems made from copper or plastic. PEX is flexible, resistant to corrosion, chlorine and scale build-up, doesn�t develop pinholes from ion reactions. PEX is faster to install because it doesn�t require as many connections and fittings.

No Loss of Pressure
PEX tubing is cheaper per foot than copper or plastic pipe. This allows each water outlet in your home to have its own supply lines as opposed to running small feeder lines off one pipe main line. The use of a distribution manifold at your home�s main water inlet provides an equal amount of volume and pressure to each PEX line.

Advantages of PEX Plumbing
-PEX pipe requires fewer fittings than rigid copper or plastic piping. The flexible tubing will turn a 900 corner without the need for elbow fittings, and PEX tubing comes on spools and can be installed in long runs without the need for coupling fittings.

-Attaching PEX fittings to the tubing doesn�t require soldering, which eliminates the health hazards involved with lead-based solder and acid fluxes; PEX is also safer to install since the use of a torch is eliminated.

-PEX resists scale build-up that is common with copper pipe, and it does not pit or corrode when exposed to acidic or ionized water.

-PEX is much more resistant to freeze-breakage than copper or rigid plastic pipe due to its flexibility.

-PEX tubing does not transfer heat as readily as copper, and so conserves energy.

Water flows more quietly through PEX tube, and the characteristic "water hammer" noise of copper pipe systems is virtually eliminated.

-PEX plumbing installations cost less because: -PEX is less expensive than copper pipe. -Less time is spent running pipe and installing fittings than with rigid pipe systems. -Installing fewer fittings reduces the chances for expensive repairs.

Fittings and Connections
Standard Connection Method
The standard method for connecting PEX pipe to brass PEX fittings uses a copper crimp ring and a PEX crimping tool.

Expansion Fitting Method
The expansion method involves using an expansion tool to increase the diameter of the PEX tube. Special expansion fittings are inserted into the expanded tube, which shrinks back to shape around the fitting. A plastic ring is then pressed over the fitting to insure a tight connection.

SSC Method
The SSC (stainless steel clamp) method uses special clamps designed for PEX connection. The fittings used are the same as used in the "Standard Connection Method" above, but in this method the clamps are stainless steel instead of copper.

Compression Method
Standard compression fittings can be used to make connections between PEX tubing. For moderate to large size jobs this method is more expensive than using the Standard Connection Method, since compression fittings cost more than PEX fittings.

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