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The Tree House Grows Up

Steve Napora © 2009

When you think of tree houses, those whimsical structures that children treat as their own special backyard hideaways come to mind. What you may not know is that you don�t have to be a kid to enjoy them, and some homeowners are even building multistoried structures with plumbing and electricity. There are even high-end tree dwellings costing hundred of thousands of dollars that sport features found in luxury homes. If you�ve dreamt of having a haven in the trees for you or your entire family, you can custom design a tree house retreat for your own property.

Select the Right Spot
If your tree house will be a raucous place for your children, consider a spot that minimizes any noise that might affect your neighbor. If you�re building a quiet retreat to meditate or read, choose a tree where ambient noise will be from natural sources, like birds and wind, and not from traffic. If your yard has no trees, you can build an elevated structure on posts and landscape around it to give it a natural look.

Hire an Arborist
Some trees are more suitable for tree houses than others because they offer better support. A certified arborist can recommend the best tree and properly prune it. Arborist should be consulted during the entire building process to minimize any damage. The tree supporting the tree house will suffer little damage and will actually thrive if proper measures are taken.

Get the Necessary Permission
Your municipality may have restrictions on tree houses, and you should check with your local planning board. For example, there may be rules on how close you can build to your property line. Also, talk to your neighbors about your plans to build a tree house, and take their needs into consideration.

Plan It Out
Write out detailed plans when designing your tree house like you would before constructing any other kind of structure. Things to consider are aesthetics, structural soundness, your budget and your construction timeframe. Safety should also be a concern, and if your tree house is going to be used by small children, think about building it closer to the ground.

Use the Right Materials
Make sure you choose quality materials when building your tree house. The right materials will not only ensure you and your families� safety, but also make maintenance easier. Also, consider recycled or environmentally friendly products to make your tree house plans friendlier for the environment.

A well-built tree house can last decades. Choosing a good, reputable contractor to custom design and build your tree house will ensure the best work and a maximum return on your investment.

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